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Main complications of persistent high blood pr...

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So many people have asked me to share how I figured out I had a gluten intolerance and what my symptoms were that I felt called to share my personal experience with my journey to discover what was wrong with how my body functioned.  I began with headaches that stole complete days from me. Then the complaints went to digestion and repeated trips to my GP gave me answers like, “you have irritable bowel syndrome”. Well , duh, you didn’t have to go to school for 7 years to tell me that!

I carried weight around my middle. I was bloated, gassy and crampy. I never knew when it would hit. So I wasn’t content with a name for my symptoms, I wanted a cure.

That didn’t seem to be in the cards for me through traditional western medicine. I was told to avoid triggers like caffeine, chocolate, beans, fiber, ….  Didn’t help.  There was a period in my life where it wasn’t safe to travel. I needed immediate access to a washroom when the incredible cramps seized my abdomen.  Truly, I  can say after having two children naturally, that those cramps I had from my “irritable bowel” would rival any labor pain.

I am a donor for life at Canadian Blood Services and decided a couple years ago that I would donate platelets a couple times a month.  Prior to each donation I had to go through iron level test, a Q&A session,a Blood pressure check  and provide a sample of blood to be tested. I watched my white blood cell count (WBC) go through the roof and come back down to safe range over the months I was able to donate platelets. I also watched my blood pressure do the same . The readings crawled higher and higher, and then when I changed one thing, which we will come to,I watched them come back down into safe range.  Each time I came in with a high WBC the Doctor had to be called and I had to assure him that I was not ill with a fever or flu.     Canadian Blood Services has since changed the guidelines, excluding women who have had a child as platelet donors, including myself although I do still donate whole blood and  encourage others to do the same. It’s your chance to save a life!

Back to what was causing this rise in white cells and blood pressure?  I noticed aches in my sciatic, and down my legs  every day. I had pains in my side. Low energy plagued me. I started to notice that my heart would just add in an extra beat occasionally, causing me to stop and wonder what was going on?   I could be just sitting and it would happen, and started happening several times a week.  I, of course, still complained of bloating and gas and occasional cramping. I had intense food cravings or just plain thoughts about food- much like an alcoholic thinks about a drink.

I can recall getting all dressed up to go to my husband’s Christmas Staff Party several years ago. Supper was late that evening so we had time to get a cocktail and mingle. The staff had placed baskets of buns on the tables.  To tell the honest truth I barely remember eating that bun. My husband was off socializing and I was by myself at the table when I was gobsmacked by a gluten reaction. My head pounded, sweat poured , my stomach cramped up like I would be torn in half by it.  I gathered myself together and stumbled to the washroom, passing by my husband and telling him I was having a spell.  I left the washroom and went out to the truck to lay down. I felt awful. Then the cramps hit again and back to the washroom I went.  Feeling slightly revived but worn out I rejoined the table. Thank God the meal was steak and baked potato(both gluten free), so I made it through the rest of the evening.

I still didn’t understand what had caused my sudden demise that evening or hundreds of other times this happened.  I did the only thing I could do. I begged God to tell me what was wrong with me.  The secret was to listen.

Memories came back…..the holistic practitioner who tested me in her kitchen and told me,” Wheat is not your friend” years ago.  Ok, I had a starting point.  So I bought barley flour and whipped up a batch of cookies. Wheat was not my friend, but surely the barley that my aunt baked with all the time would be ok. Nope! Wow did I get bloated from those cookies!!

Okay, so , no wheat-no barley. What did they have in common? Gluten. Gluten! Holy crow, I used to add extra gluten to my flour in my bread maker!!

It’s been three years since my epiphany! I had a trial and error experience.  I found some foods that were good and some that were like cardboard. I bought two great books-The G FREE DIET A gluten free survival guide by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Kathleen’s Light and Easy GLUTEN FREE Cookbook by Kathleen Thomson.

I stumbled upon a great list of DO NOT EAT foods today and it can be found at

Since acomplishing a revamp of how I eat so thatI only have gluten free I am happy to say that I am in control of my health. No more sickness hitting out of the blue. The aches are gone! Hallelujah , Praise the Lord! : ) As I mentioned my BP and WBC are normal- no meds for me!!  The food cravings are gone! Oh so this is what I should feel like. Nice.  And my energy, my energy is so much better. 

Subscribe up in the top Right hand corner and I will continue to bring you updates , tips and information on how to Eat Great, Even Gluten Free! Try it! You’ll be amazed at the way you feel!

More information

Here are a couple blog entries entailing other ailments that gluten causes to the gluten sensitive body:

Comments on: "Gluten Intolerance causes many symptoms" (6)

  1. i think u need to write a book 🙂 not just about glutin but life in general……
    love u


  2. Do you think you can get rid off the gluten intolerance with the Silva Method of mental control or did you try it?


    • hi Esther, I don’t think the Silva Method would be successful for eliminating suffering from gluten intolerance. Gluten acts as a irritant to all the body parts as it travels through the gut and intestines,leaving behind swollen tissue, causing gas and pain. I have found some “gluten blocker” capsules at the whole foods store that allow me to have gluten on occassion without pain and discomfort!!


    • Well mental control–I don’t think that this is horrible immune system destroyer could be a candidate to be controlled by the mind. The body is physically damaged from injestion. The tissues take weeks to calm down after an accidental injestion. I wish it could be. I have found that the tissues do heal and the body does regain its equilibrium. So a once in a blue month injestion doesn’t upset the system too bad. But it takes abstinence from any gluten for healing to begin . My own body took a year to equalize. I occasionally have a bit of gluten (2/3 times a year 8 years after cutting it out of my life) and it doesn’t cause me too much discomfort.


  3. Hi, out of curiosity, in round numbers, how high did your white blood cell count go as a consequence of the gluten?


    • Wow just installed WordPress for android and got to see your question….sorry it took forever lol . A normal count is 4,500-10,000 cells per microliter . Mine was above 10,000mcL, sign of immune system disorder.


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